Write for us

We believe in helping people grow their businesses through powerful and effective branding, marketing, design, and sales guidance. Interested in helping us spread that message? We allow guest writers to contribute to our blog. Here are a couple of things you need to know:

What should I write about?

The goal of our blog is to publish the best content about business growth on the internet. It’s aimed at entrepreneurs, and any type of sales, branding, design, advertising, and marketing professionals.

We love articles that give tips, offer practical advice, espouse opinions, teach, explain, and inspire. We publish articles in the following categories:

  • Design and branding
  • Sales and advertising
  • Content creation and copywriting

What are regular contributors, and how can I become one?

When we find good writers, we want to keep working with them. Our regular contributors are authors who have written for us multiple times. They also get paid for each article they publish and also have the opportunity to write for us on assignment.

There are no hard-and-fast rules to becoming a contributor, but generally we are looking for people who pitch articles regularly, who turn around assignments promptly, who promote their work on social media, and are (most importantly) strong writers. 

Generally, we’ll ask people to become regular contributors after 3-4 successfully published articles.

What makes a good article?

A good article:

  • Is on a topic you can speak about with authority.
  • Provides useful, tangible advice.
  • Is well structured so readers can easily glean information.
  • Is geared towards our target audience.
  • Does not have any grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Is accompanied by appropriate, well-designed/sourced visuals (one approximately every 250 words)
  • It has a good mix of high-quality external and internal links
  • It is optimized for a specific, target keyword.

Check out some of our published articles for examples.

Once my pitch is accepted, what are the expectations?

Deliver a draft of your article in a timely manner (usually about a week after we send you a brief).
Perform any edits or rewrites requested by our editors.
Source imagery to illustrate the article (we’ll give you some guidelines).
Help distribute the article once it’s published! (By sharing on social media, e.g.)

How do I submit my pitch?

We have a pitch form. Pitches are considered approximately once/week. If you don’t hear anything from us, it probably means the pitch was just not the right fit. We are very selective about what we publish.

If we’re interested in the pitch, we’ll email you and add it to our queue. We often have a backlog of several days between accepting and publishing a pitch.

When we’re ready for you to start writing, we’ll assign an editor to reach out with details. Please don’t pitch anything that’s already written unless you’re willing to change it!

We also retain editorial control, so we may change the final article (this includes editing outbound links, though we guarantee at least one to your website).

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide a link to your website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or other active social media profile
Share some examples of what you’ve written in the past
A good pitch is generally a couple of sentences long and describes specifically what the post would be about. For example, "logo design tips" is too broad. "A list of tips detailing what to look for when selecting a logo design for your company" is better. Bonus points if you include a brief outline!
Your article should target a specific keyword (ideally with a high search volume and low competition)
For example, if you want to write about logo design tips, google that term and pick out some of the articles that appear on the first page or two. Provide the links below and give us a sentence or two explaining how you want to outdo the competition!
Please search our website and determine if we've covered this topic before. If we have, make sure your pitch offers a different take on the subject!
Who are you? Why are you the right person to write this article? (Regular contributors don't need to fill this out.)
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