Business blogging: a beginner’s guide to using blogs for marketing in 2024

A company blog is just as important for promoting your brand these days, as the Yellow Pages were back in the day.

So if you don’t have a business blog, you risk falling behind your rivals.

The good news is that there’s never a better time to begin.

And to help you with that, we have covered all the information you’ll require to catch up and start blogging for business in this guide.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    What is business blogging?

    A business blog is a promotion medium that allows companies to grow their followers, brand recognition, search presence, and overall business.

    Your marketing blog should be focused on your target audience, not on promoting your products and services.

    Using textual content, which is referred to as blog posts, you offer useful information to your target market.

    For example, BARK is a business that provides a monthly membership plan that includes several dog and puppy products. It’s blog “BARK Post” is a great illustration of a comprehensive marketing blog.

    It contains material on a wide range of topics, ranging from adorable puppy pictures to local dog laws and responses to dog health concerns.

    The “BARK Post” blog

    This example shows that by responding to your audience’s queries and writing about their concerns, you can get more visitors to your website and increase your blog readership.

    Get started with business blogging

    Want to learn how to start a profitable blog for your company? Consider the steps given below.

    Set up a blog on your business domain

    Amongst the greatest advantages of business blogging is the SEO boost that you get because of it.

    But when you host your weblog on a different domain, you scatter the SEO potential of your blog and website, which will negatively impact their SEO rankings.

    So it’s important that you host your weblog on your business domain, like or

    Two ways to host a blog on website domain

    Image Source: Kinsta

    Identify content ideas

    You have to create blog articles that are focused on your target audience.

    Your target market won’t be following your blog articles if the topics are not relevant to their needs.

    So choose topics that are both engaging to your customers as well as relevant to your company’s expertise.

    Ideal blog topics Venn diagram

    Image Source: Siege Media

    A frequent concern that we notice in budding content creators is, “what should I write about daily? Will I have enough topics to sustain my blog?”

    You will, as long as your audience has been experiencing difficulties or having doubts that you can address.

    For example, you can adopt a daily routine of searching your social media to find topic suggestions for business blogging.

    Find out the kinds of problems your buyer personas are facing.

    Social networks are a rich source for identifying blog topics and queries that require your attention.

    And when you discover them, blogging for business becomes more about responding to your audience’s problems than about writing itself.

    You shouldn’t think of your blog merely as a place to write about news and events.

    Consider your blog articles as a means to teach and interact with your target audience to move them along the marketing funnel.

    Post content frequently

    According to a study from Orbit Media, content creators that post blog posts more frequently get better outcomes.

    Percentage of bloggers who report “strong results” based on frequency

    Image Source: Orbit Media

    Blog followers love it when blogs post regularly and when they can anticipate the delivery of fresh articles. So you have to maintain a frequent blogging routine.

    If you post new blog articles regularly that have valuable information aimed at fixing your customer’s issues, you’ll be efficiently generating a larger number of indexed pages to be fetched by search bots.

    What makes this so important?

    Basically, if around 80% of web users are searching for details on businesses online, won’t you like your weblog to be a source of information for these buyers instead of your rivals?

    And in case consistently blogging for business seems very difficult with your workload, get in touch with HypeGig immediately and find out how we can assist you.

    Optimize blog for SEO

    How essential is it to be in the top SERP positions?

    People won’t be able to discover your blog articles when you don’t implement SEO.

    Determine a primary keyword for every promotional material you create, and make sure it clearly appears in the visuals, alt-text, headings, and post titles.

    Also, provide external links to additional related information in your blog articles. This aids in directing visitors to other regions of significance concerning your promotional objectives.

    Your visitors’ time is important, and they are not interested in sitting around for your laggy marketing blog to open.

    So examine your site’s performance by utilizing testing platforms available on the web like WebPageTest to find possibilities for improving page speed.

    A significant reason behind slow page speed is large images.

    Moreover, online surfing on mobile phones has grown fast. So it’s essential that your blog content is mobile and tablet friendly.

    Through these measures, you are greatly improving your chances of getting top SERP positions.

    Promote your blog content

    Hoping that your blog audience will discover you on their own will only cost you your time.

    Your company blog requires a strong marketing plan to reach your target market with its content.

    Sure, blog readers will find you eventually. But you’ll increase your blog followers quickly if you intently market your blog content.

    The profitability of blogs in business is determined by the size of your blog readership.

    For instance, one way to promote your content is to provide social media share buttons on each of your blog articles.

    What other way can your visitors spread the amazing blog post you just released?

    Social share buttons for promoting blog

    Image Source: FirstSiteGuide

    Build an audience

    Persuade visitors to subscribe to your blog articles and frequently return to check out fresh material.

    One method to accomplish this is to incorporate an effective CTA in each blog post that invites visitors to become a subscriber.

    An example of “subscribe” CTA on the Asana blog

    You must offer the next steps to your followers and prospects at all times.

    And the ideal time is when they have finished going through a post from your blog.

    Use a CTA that’s suitable to the material of all your blog articles.

    Final thoughts

    You don’t have to stress about creating flawless content from the get-go.

    It’s crucial to initiate blogging for business as per your current capabilities and enhance your content subsequently.

    For instance, check out our business blog. Our blog articles at present are way better than our content from just a few years back, and we’ll just be getting better moving forward.

    That also applies to you. While hours spent on your company blog are productive, the process of creating blog posts takes up a lot of time.

    So in case you lack the hours required for business blogging, you must really think about employing a professional content creator or agency to produce blog content for your business.

    Did we miss anything? Did you try these business blogging tips? Do you have any questions or comments? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.

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