7 best content marketing examples and case studies to get inspired in 2024

According to a report by Hubspot, 82% of marketers employ content marketing regularly.

Why? Because strategic content marketing is an economical and effective source of traffic. And that’s not all. With a great strategy and the right execution, content marketing can help you establish your brand, stand out among others, and attract quality leads.

The content marketing examples below will help you understand this even better. We scoured the web for the greatest, most successful, and most innovative content marketing case studies. So you can take inspiration and achieve similar results for your business.

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    What is content marketing?

    For the uninitiated, content marketing is the strategized creation and distribution of content to entice new audiences and retain them as leads.

    Yes, you read that right!

    The real objective of content marketing is not to sell instantly, but to generate leads while building powerful brand authority.

    Content marketing is usually delivered through formats such as blogs, social media posts, e-books, videos, newsletters, and webinars.

    In a nutshell, content marketing involves producing great content to appeal to prospects and nurture them into active supporters who will publicize your products and services.

     Content marketing examples

    The following brands are dominating their markets, thanks to solid content marketing. So you can go through these content marketing use cases to acquire ideas for your own content marketing approach.


    Zendesk aims to elevate the customer service provided by its target businesses — an attractive offer for many companies. Its blog is jam-packed with insightful articles, guides, and how-tos.

    But what makes it stand out? Content on the blog is comprehensive, easy to read, and is richly illustrated with infographics, social media embeds, and quotation call-outs. This huge diversity of formats fulfills a variety of consumer requirements.

    The result? It attracts over 73 million monthly visitors (as per Similarweb data). And it has established itself among the best content marketing use cases.


    Typeform is a software-as-a-service firm that creates online forms. The Typeform blog features excellent content on technology, startups, enterprises, etc.

    Typeform employs multimedia and has an attractive layout. Their wide range of top-funnel content assures that it attracts potential traffic and engages returning users.

    What makes it different? The brand’s tone is quite attractive, easy to read, engaging, and helpful. This helps it outshine in a realm of jargon-oriented B2B enterprises.

    With 34 million monthly visitors, the website is well-known and is one of the top content marketing examples.

    Parsley health guides

    With its insightful visual content, Parsley Health Guide assists individuals in resolving many health and wellness problems. This is an excellent case of how B2C firms can use content marketing to win customers at all stages of the funnel.

    But wait – why is it one of the best content creation examples? Their guides comprise expert guidance, videos, ebooks, primers, etc.

    They gather various mediums to attract different audience groups and offer a balanced blend of ungated content and gated lead magnets.

    Establishing itself as a reliable specialist, Parsley states what exactly one would receive upon downloading the gated content. Getting over 373k visitors each month, Parsley has positioned itself among the best content marketing examples.


    Wistia assists individuals in expanding their business by offering content, marketing software, and a series of educational videos.

    Why is it one of the best content marketing case studies? Wistia’s strong brand authority stems from its premium videos and interactive educational content.

    For B2B video content marketing, delving into interesting subjects helps Wistia attract potential customers and draws people’s attention frequently.

    Preserving the integrity of its brand, Wistia has created an evergreen video content center with various active shows. By focusing on their strength – video marketing — the brand is winning authority and confidence from a big community.

    Boasting around 2.9 million monthly visits on the blog, it has positioned itself among the best content marketing use cases.


    The brand’s tagline — Resources for Humans — says it all. Lattice’s website consists of blog posts and webinars, along with a comprehensive library of other resources.

    Lattice has a significant edge over rivals due to its various blog sections, pragmatic advice, sleek design, and community focus.

    With 378k visitors on its website, Lattice delivers content that connects with its potential customers. That’s why Lattice is also counted among the top content creation examples.

    Canva design school

    Canva is a well-known graphic design tool using which you can create top-notch graphics and animations for your site’s blog and social media.

    Canva has launched its design school for those wanting to upscale their skills in graphic designing for free.

    Canva’s Design School is a great instance of educational content marketing. Canva upskills the market by offering them pragmatic and transferable skills.

    It emphasizes the practicality and benefit of the platform by teaching potential prospects a valuable design skillset.  

    The platform has a variety of courses available on it, attracting learners. This positions it as a pioneer in the field of design. Some of their courses have over 100,000 students enrolled.

    As a result, they’re getting around 286.5 million monthly traffic, establishing their brand as an expert. That’s why it is ranked among the top content marketing examples.

    Blogging by Buffer

    Buffer’s three-pronged content marketing strategy is one of our favorites. It has around 400,000 users and a million followers over various social media platforms.

    For the initial audience development, the firm leveraged guest blogging, regular write-ups, and content contributions to credible sites. In fact, Buffer attracted its first 100,000 users with this growth hacking approach.

    Buffer’s blog focused on penning for the individuals who affected its users. This made their content high-quality and shareable.  The results? Generating about 3.2 million monthly traffic, Buffer confirms itself as a reliable source and positions itself among top content creation examples.

    Blogging by Hubspot

    When it comes to great content marketing examples, Hubspot has always been on the top.

    Why? Besides providing a free tool for the growth hacking approach, Hubspot has leveraged content marketing by:

    • Producing comprehensive blog posts on topics that are important to their readers
    • Bringing content updates to their blog posts, such as ebooks.
    • Producing Facebook videos and directing traffic to such videos via LinkedIn.

    And it turned out with 10.9 million monthly visits, positioning Hubspot among top content marketing case studies.

    Wrapping up

    A successful content marketing strategy requires a sound knowledge of your target audience, a strong SEO approach, quality writing, creation, and wise distribution.

    Don’t know where to start? HypeGig can help with your marketing goals. We offer content for your needs to attract specific audiences and boost conversions on your website. Plus, you won’t have to do anything since we’ll handle everything from strategy to publication to promotion. Schedule a free consultation today.

    Did we miss anything? Do you have any questions or comments? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.

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