11 essential types of content writing for a successful business

Are you having trouble deciding what types of content writing you could do?

We don’t blame you. All content is not created equal.

There are different types of materials you’ll need to write. And the types of content writing you choose will be based on the preferences of your audience, stages in your sales funnel, and the platforms you’re targeting for promotion.

That’s why in this post, we have compiled a list of the main types of web content you should consider developing for your brand.

With this introduction to different content writing types, you can ensure that you pick the formats most likely to help you grow fast and get an edge over your competition. Let’s begin.

Types of content writing

As we mentioned above, there are a number of different types of web content, based on their objective, format, and mode of communication. As a result, there are different forms of content writing.

As such, a website content writer could be a generalist, good at adapting to varying content writing types. Or he could choose to specialize and establish expertise in only one form.

Blog posts

A blog post is by far the most common type of web content. And for good reason, as consistent blogging is an effective and low-cost way to grow a brand.

According to Matcha’s Blogging Benchmark report, blog posts influence 6% of sales. And this number doubles to 12% for brands that blog regularly for a year.

For the uninitiated, a blog is a section of a brand’s website where they publish articles on topics that their target audience would be interested in. Each such article is known as a blog post.

In other words, a blog is a collection of blog posts, usually listed in chronological order. The latest posts show up near the top, followed by older posts at the bottom.

For example, this article that you’re reading right now is one of the many blog posts published on our blog.

Website copywriting

This type of content writing comprises most of the material written for all the standard pages of a website.

The purpose of this type of content writing is to provide all the information a prospect may want to know about the business, its products/services, how they benefit the prospect, and its mission, vision, and values.

As noted by Matt Ressler in an article:

“Potential customers have certain expectations of the information they expect to find on your website. So there are some standard pages you must have.”

These include the homepage, about us page, products and services pages, and contact information page, along with terms, policies, and frequently asked questions.

Social media posts

Social media is a big part of our lives. It’s also a big way for businesses and customers to connect and interact with one another.

In an industry report by Social Media Examiner, 85% of all marketers surveyed indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses.

By posting interesting content regularly on social media, you can influence and build a relationship with your target audience.

From Facebook and Twitter to LinkedIn and Instagram, there are a number of different social media platforms, with their own formatting and visual specifications.

That’s why the ability to write engaging social media posts for each type of platform is in high demand.

Writing for social media is a type of content writing which involves scribbling short paragraphs, blurbs, or rants (along with attention-grabbing visuals). Their purpose could be to show a brand’s authentic side, promote an event, share inspiring ideas, or extend an offer.

Social media content writing example

Advertising/sales copywriting

Copywriting is one of the most sought-after content writing types. It is intended to make people interested in a brand’s product or service. Here’s an example of copywriting in Google Ads:

According to an article by Hassan Uddeen:

“Sales copywriting is more of a science, focused on understanding what’s going on in your customer’s head and addressing their pain points.”

And it aims to steer people toward a certain action. This action could be:

  • Clicking on an advertisement and visiting the brand’s website to learn more.
  • Subscribing to a brand’s email newsletter.
  • Enquiring about a service by filling in a contact form.
  • Adding a product to the cart and completing the checkout process.

The kind of marketing copy to be written for the web is also determined by the platform where it will be published or distributed.

These include email newsletters, social media advertising, landing pages, product descriptions, paid search campaigns, and other types of web content at the bottom of the funnel.

Technical writing

In some industries, it’s impossible to produce good content if the writer doesn’t have formal education or experience.

In fact, there could be serious consequences if the content is misleading or inaccurate. These include niches like:

  • Finance and banking
  • Healthcare and medicine
  • Legal rules and regulations
  • Deep technology and science

Because of the complexity and risks involved, only website content writers specialized in an area can write content associated with it.

According to the U.S. Department of Labour Statistics, demand for technical writers is estimated to grow at a 12% faster rate between 2020 and 2030 as compared to other writers.

Not just that. Technical writers are also paid more than generalist website content writers.

Image Source: Freelancermap

Even for businesses, technical writing is an essential type of content writing because it helps customers understand, use, and make the most of their products and services.

User manuals/documentation

The Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report suggests that 69% of customers want to resolve as many issues as possible on their own. And by empowering your customers to do the same, you are more likely to delight them.

The more features and complexity a product or service has, the deeper need for thorough documentation.

When you buy toothpaste, for instance, you don’t need a user manual to use it. But when buying something more sophisticated, like business software, just a quick-start manual may not be enough.

You may need detailed tutorials on using all the features. So in this area, website content writers deal with documenting product features, updates, use cases, guides, and tutorials. Canva’s help center is a good example.

Canva's help center is an example of good documentation.

In a way, this is similar to technical writing as a website content writer will need proper knowledge of the product and industry it operates in. Only then he or she will be able to write useful content.

Ebooks & white papers

In terms of content writing, PDF reports or books are usually given a visual, in-depth treatment. They are more editorial than promotional in nature.

Each PDF guide or report covers a specific subject area or solution to a problem. When you help your audience with this problem, you establish your thought leadership and expertise.

For example, an office concierge company might write an ebook on the 10 best ways to motivate your employees, one of which could be planning a team event or activity.

Writing such types of web content would require not just a good writer, but also a designer. The writer should be able to produce top-notch content, while the designer will ensure the content is presented in a visually appealing manner.

Ebooks or reports also make for great lead magnets. In other words, they can be used to incentivize your website visitors to submit their email addresses.

Image Source: Hubspot

So they get access to download your ebook only after they have opted in. This way you get to keep in touch with them and engage them further with your brand.

UX writing

UX copywriting is another fast-growing field for tech brands and website content writers. It consists of the various text elements (buttons, labels, etc) which help users understand and follow through the steps to complete a process.

For example, the steps a user would take to open a bank account via the bank’s website, or to complete a purchase online.

In this type of content writing, the UX writers typically get involved early in the design stage when a software or web application is being planned. They make sure that UX copy is so efficient and intuitive that it doesn’t make the user think twice or get stuck on a step.

Case studies

This is one of the classic content writing types for bottom-funnel content. In fact, 78% of B2B buyers use case studies when researching solutions.

Case studies show your prospects the results other buyers have achieved as a result of using your product or service. So the prospects can envision similar success for themselves.

For example, look at this case study of how Lattice helped Button achieve a 100% performance review completion rate.

Image Source: Venngage

Writing a case study involves reaching out to your happy customers and requesting them to collaborate on creating a story around their success. A good case study clearly outlines:

  • The core problem that your client/customer was facing before they bought your product or service.
  • What service approach or product features helped them solve the problem and how (without giving away any confidential information).
  • The concrete results achieved (with real numbers/data if possible) by the end of the duration associated with the case study.
  • A short summary/blurb that you or your sales team can easily share in customer calls or emails.

Once you have some case studies prepared, the most common way to distribute them is by creating a portfolio/case studies page on your website. Then make your case studies available on that page.

Comparison with competitors

Let’s face it: Yours is not the only product/business a prospect is considering. It’s never been easier to find information on any type of product or service your prospects may be interested in.

They’re probably weighing their options. They’re wondering what makes your product different from the alternatives in order to make an informed decision.

Don’t put your head in the sand about this. Acknowledge and embrace it. Address this objection head-on. According to an article by Melissa Randall:

“By providing an unbiased review of the differences between you and a competitor, you can earn the trust of potential customers.”

Create content that gives a comprehensive feature-by-feature comparison, depending on the complexity of your offering.

For example, here’s how ClickUp compares itself with Monday, and how Clearbit created content addressing how it differs from Data.com.

Reviews/testimonials from past customers

According to a study, 97% of US consumers check online reviews before making a purchase.

So customer reviews, testimonials, and recommendations are also an important part of your sales and marketing strategy, though this type of content writing is not always 100% in your control.

Having a stellar reputation is a significant advantage. Hearing honest feedback from current clients is often the main source of trustworthy information for potential clients.

It gives them a preview of what it would be like to become your customer.

Needless to say, you should have a system in place to collect and showcase testimonials from customers on your website.

So how do you go about getting positive testimonials? If you have ensured the best experience for your customers, many times all it takes is just asking them.

It’s also important to solidify your ask by offering incentives and making the process as easy to follow as possible. Don’t make them jump through any hoops or technical mumbo jumbo just to leave feedback.

You can contact them with questions by email/phone, or send them to a third-party review site like G2, Capterra, or Glassdoor.

Timing is another important factor for this type of web content. You should ask for a review or testimonial when the memory of your product or service is still fresh in their minds. Not after the fact.

The reviews you generate are not just great to showcase on your website, but can also be used in other collateral like case studies, presentations, and infographics.

Final thoughts on types of content

As you can see, there are many content options to pick from based on your organization’s goals. The more types of web content you create, the more of your audience you’ll be able to reach and engage with your business.

There’s a wealth of potential in each type of content writing. So you can ensure that your company advances to the next level.

So go ahead with creating all this great content, or hire a good freelance website content writer or agency to help you do so. My team and I are always here to help.

Did we miss any content writing types? Did you try these tips? Do you have any questions or comments? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.


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2 thoughts on “11 essential types of content writing for a successful business”

  1. Hi Hitesh,
    This article is very much useful for me. I think optimizing web content for search engines is crucial for improving visibility and attracting organic traffic. This involves using relevant keywords, creating unique and valuable content, and optimizing meta tags, headings, and URLs to enhance search

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